OnceFamous  A[F.F. | 09-02]D


Featured Forgotten  

When we review a site, we try to employ a healthy blend of both humor and critique. While we certainly enjoy making fun of humiliating ex-celebrity's attempts at regaining a faint hint of the notoriety they had before, it's not our only purpose. We also hope to convince you to visit their sites- because we know how entertaining it can be to peruse these HTML monstrosities.

But every once in awhile we come across a site which is so disturbing, so revolting, so horrific to the human spirit and all that it stands for, that we are left with no choice but to simply expose it to you and allow you, a fellow adventurer, to assess it yourself. Thus we bring you one of the most disconcerting sites online, a spectacle which will make you question the very merits of free speech itself.

So here's the once famous Featured Forgotten site for this month. Ladies and gentlemen, Louise Anderson....

The site, is at:



  • Site Design: 5 Stars- Actually very well done
  • Site Content: 5 Stars- Hours of laughs.
  • Self-Humiliation Level: 5 Stars- It's Louie Anderson, for God's sake, Louie Friggin' Anderson!

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    Ringo Starr | 12:01
    Tiffany | 1:02
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    R. Lee Ermey | 4:02
    Jimmie Walker | 5:02
    Buckner & Garcia | 6:02
    Carrie Fisher | 7:02
    Michael Moriarty | 8:02
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