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Sometimes OnceFamous.com has to ponder the meatiest query in drumming up our monthly Featured Forgotten -- Was this person even famous, once?

Angelyne.com is where you will find the latest and not-so-greatest happenings in the world of self-annointed Hollywood bombshell Angelyne. Who? Well, surely you've seen her billboards before. The impressively stacked pseudo-hottie with a penchant for pink. It's not every day in which an aspiring celebrity's billboards become more common than appearances by the aspiring celebrity itself. But the curvy self-sponsored pinup is more than just a hot bod in a hot rod, she's also a horrendously campy actress too. Her site features short video clips touring some of Hollywood Avenue's hot spots which answer the question once and for all -- Yes, someone has actually flunked out of the Anna Nicole Smith Acting School. Clever enough to use political ambitions like running for Mayor of Hollywood or Governor of California Angelyne has been at it for nearly two decades. That's about one decade past the sexpot expiration date, don't you think?

The site, is at:



  • Site Design: 4 Stars - It's an awkward flow, using contextual links over a straight-edged menu design to find it all.
  • Site Content: 3 Stars- Shouldn't a site promoting someone known for their apperance be ripe with a photo gallery? You won't find much here. The video tours are the one saving grace of the site, but the videos resize so small that once has to wonder why Angelyne couldn't put up more money for the bandwidth to produce larger videos. Her billboards and assets are huge, why must one-handed computer pervs have to squint to see her in motion?
  • Self-Humiliation Level: 4 Star- "Some people become famous for music, films, TV, sports, whatever. I became famous for being on billboards." That kind of modesty usually earns a lower grade here but then she follows up with this nugget of grandeur: "In fact, the one thing people always tell me when they meet me is that I look better than my billboards!"

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